
About Maria

Did you know that there are more than a thousand different kinds of wool? Over a thousand different species of sheep bounce across the world like the happy fluff balls they are.
Each with their own unique and beautiful characteristics.

And that, my dear, is when you come in..

Because it are those characteristics that I love to recreate. To felt you or your loved ones with high quality products that will last a lifetime.
Using different techniques to capture just that essence that makes you unique.
Think of it as a woolen picture.

I'm Maria, mom of two adorable boys.
If you haven't noticed it yet, my heart is in creating beautiful things.
What I love even more is to make you fall in love with my creations.

All off the different possibilities can
- understandably - overwhelm you a bit.

Not to worry!

My inbox is always open and I love to help you order the woolen creation of your dreams.

x Maria

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Please fill out the form, so I can learn more about you and your needs.

2022 Soft Studio - all rights reserved


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